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Tina FeyIf you haven’t checked out any of the NBC First Look clips on the NBC site, take a look at “30 Rock.” The clip has a number of laugh-out-loud moments, and it looks like it will be one you won’t want to miss come Fall. Tina Fey stars with fellow SNL alums Tracy Morgan and Rachel Dratch, with comedy golden boy Alec Baldwin (truly, this guy is good – as any of his SNL appearances prove). The strong cast and solid writing by Fey seem a lock for a sharp new comedy. Now, what about Dratch and Fey’s absence from SNL? Conflicting rumors either say Fey is completely done with SNL – or that she will at least continue to fill the seat for Weekend Update. Time will tell…

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It’s rumored that the new season of Scrubs will once again begin mid-season – meaning we’ll have to wait way too long to see what J.D., Elliot, Carla, Turk, Dr. Cox and the rest of the gang at Sacred Heart are up to. Personally speaking, it’s going to be pure agony waiting for one of the funniest shows around to return to the lineup.

In the meantime, check out Zach Braff’s new website. Previously, he had been posting a blog at the Garden State movie site, but has now taken over his own domain on what should be a pretty promising site. Currently, just a welcome blog, video post, and a sneak peek of his new film “The Last Kiss,” but it should give you Scrubs fans something to gnaw on for awhile anyway. Zach also shares some of his favorite music and has a section for shameless plugs. Check it out.


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Desperate Housewives


It isn’t a secret to Desperate Housewives

fans that the mothers of Wisteria Lane have such dramatic struggles when it comes to raising their kids.  From Bree’s traumatic experiences with her son Andrew, to Lynette’s constant failed attempts to control her three boys, these “housewives” are constantly battling to obtain the perfect home and family.

When it comes to Bree, many have found it disheartening to see her kids act so inconsiderately.  Bree has been the ultimate Wisteria Lane homemaker who presents zero competition for any neighbor working towards a picture-perfect suburban life.  From gardening to cooking, care and attention to detail are top priorities for this “housewife.”  Many Sunday nights I sat by my television wanting to knock some sense in to Andrew, Bree’s rebellious son.  His ungrateful attitude really isn’t very attractive.  From the result of the season finale, it’s very likely that Danielle, Bree’s daughter will begin to resolve her issues with her mother.  Although this might seem uplifting, unlike Danielle, Andrew may never discover the reason behind Bree’s uptight way of life.

HBOSunday night saw the third season premieres of HBO Originals Deadwood and Entourage. The former had about 2.4 million viewers, which is something of a let-down for the show. On the other hand, Entourage‘s numbers represent that shows continued steady building of an audience. By the way, that night’s premiere of Lucky Louie, the network’s first “traditional” sitcom, managed only a paltry 1.5 viewers.

With The Sopranos winding down, and with the loss in the past couple of years of hits like Sex and the City and Six Feet Under, one has to wonder if HBO is finally losing steam, artistically. Sure, Entourage and The Wire still get buzz, and Rome has a small-but-devoted following.
But the network is giving up on Deadwood after this season (though it will wrap up the story lines with two, two-hour movies), though the show is still artistically vital and exciting as ever, if Sunday’s premiere was any indication. The show’s almost baroque use of language and multi-layered plot threads perhaps make it very hard to follow for the casual viewer perhaps, but time was when HBO didn’t seem to care about that stuff so much. Heck, even the meandering, introspective (read: fewer whackings ) recent season of The Sopranos seemed to bore most viewers, though David Chase’s evolving artistic vision impressed a vocal minority even further; the ratings dipped a bit, but were still better than anything else on Pay Cable, of course.

With the financially-induced demise of Deadwood imminent, and the advent of a more traditional show like Lucky Louie (which I have not seen, but hear was nothing special), I am starting to wonder if HBO is losing some of its creative edge and becoming more, well, network-y. I also have to wonder how much they take things like repeats and On Demand into consideration when looking at their ratings, since many people now don’t see these shows right when they first air. I’d love to see some other opinions on this issue. Also, I have to tell people: if you’re not on the Deadwood bandwagon yet, it’s never too late to get on. In my humble opinion, it’s one of the best three shows on TV, period.

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Tom CruiseThe most powerful celebrity according to Forbes Magazine’s Celebrity 100 is . If that wasn’t a downer…I don’t know what else is. To make the list Forbes looks at a celebrity’s earnings and media appearances over the last 12 months, traditionally June to June. 

New members of the Celebrity 100 club this year include the cast of The Sopranos in the ninth spot.  U2 was the highest-paid music group on the list. Jerry Seinfeld was the highest-paid comedian, but only the 28th most powerful celebrity. Meanwhile, American Idol stars (29th) and Ryan Seacrest (88th) made their debuts on the Celebrity 100. Simon’s earnings were put at $43 million, Seacrest’s at $12 million. And yes, the stars of The Simple Life made the list as Paris Hilton came in at 56th and Nicole Richie snuck in at 95th. Paris’ dog didn’t make the cut.  The 100th spot goes to ABC’s star of Extreme Makeover: Home Edition, Ty Pennington.

He’s a look at Forbes Magazine Top 10 List:

  1. Tom Cruise, $67 million
  2. The Rolling Stones, $90 million
  3. Oprah Winfrey, $225 million
  4. U2, $110 million
  5. Tiger Woods, $90 million
  6. Steven Spielberg, $332 million
  7. Howard Stern, $302 million
  8. 50 Cent, $41 million
  9. Cast of The Sopranos, $52 million
  10. Dan Brown, $88 million

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Lisa Guerrero From the locker room to the screening room—Lisa Guerrero has a new gig as the West Coast Correspondent for Inside Edition.  For those who have followed her career, congrats.  For the rest of us who don’t know much about her, other than her work on Monday Night Football, she does have a long resume.  She’s covered the Academy Awards and Golden Globes, along with big sporting events like the Super Bowl and World Series.  She’s also done a little bit of acting too.  Guerrero has made appearances on Seinfeld, Frasier and Sunset Beach.  Getting a job is good news for the Guerrero household after her husband, pitcher Scott Erickson, was cut from the New York Yankees.

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2003 Idol Winner StuddardRuben Studdard. When was the last time you really heard that name?  Well the 2003 American Idol winner has been focusing a lot of his time not on music, but on getting his money back.  Studdard was just awarded $2 million in his lawsuit against his ex-manager for misappropriating the singer’s money and credit cards.  He filed suit last year against ex-manager Ronald W. Edwards and Edwards’ promotions company, Sez Inc.  Studdard only lost about $500,000 dollars, but the judge awarded him $1.5 million in punitive damages.

Selling 2.2 million records can get you a lot, but not everything.  According to the AP, this legal issue has been a credit challenge for Studdard and has caused problems for him trying to buy a home.

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Treasure HuntersIf Treasure Hunters looks familiar, it may be because it’s a combination of The Amazing Race, The Da Vinci Code, and National Treasure. The two-hour season premiere of Treasure Hunters will air Sunday on NBC at 8 PM and so far, the buzz is that it will be an entertaining ride among the otherwise blah summer offerings. No telling yet if host Laird Macintosh (no, I’m not making that up) will be as credible a reality host as, say, our beloved Phil Keoghan from Race, but it’s worth a look. Scenic locations, the hunt for clues, physical challenges and abundant product placements all sound promising.

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Starting in 2007, VH1’s The White Rapper Show, from the producers of America’s Next Top Model, will bring the search for the next Eminem to living rooms across America.  The Reality Show Twist™?  According to Variety, rapper wannabes “will live together in the South Bronx as a series of challenges test their music talent and ability to mesh with black culture.”  Yes, that’s right; along with $100,000, the winner will also have won the privilege of having a vacation in the South Bronx for a few weeks.  Now, I lived in the Bronx for three years.  Though it wasn’t the South Bronx, I definitely didn’t earn any street cred in all that time.  I wish the rapper wannabes luck, though does anyone else find the potentially racist implications of this bothersome?

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Jay LenoOkay, so we all accept that late night television hosts comment on the days headlines, but Jay Leno and Conan O’Brien’s opening monologues last night were so similar, I’m starting to wonder if they share a writing staff. And I’m not just referring to content, but down to wording and structure of the jokes.

Punchlines in common:

  • Referencing George W. Bush excusing himself from a meeting saying he was going to his room to read. Pause… The FBI decides “we’ve got to come up with a better excuse next time”
  • Begin with reports that findings show FEMA reimbursed over a billion dollars spent on drugs, vacations, and pornography….“and the rest of it was wasted!”
  • Reports from the new Superman movie claim that it was shot to have gay appeal…(Insert joke claiming Ryan Seacrest is the star here)

These jokes were literally almost delivered word for word on back-to-back shows. Isn’t the point of comedy the element of surprise?
